My Prince Charming (CinErotique Video)

Updated: 2024-06-02
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This is a video mod package file that can be watched through the CinErotique TV mod or Wicked Whims.

Video Data Sheet
Title: My Prince Charming
Channel: CineSnob
Format: Movie
Orientation: Straight

All public video package files available here on the WICKED.CC are formatted using Maxis' STANDARD RESOLUTION (512x288p), but if you feel like upgrading, please consider subscribing to my PATREON, where you can access all my back catalog of videos and other mods, including all the video package files in a more crisp HIGH DEFINITION (1280x720p), and also downloadable 1080p MP4 versions of all videos.

How to install video package files:
- Download the video package file(s) from below.
- If you have CinErotique TV installed, copy the package file(s) into the CinErotique > VIDEOS folder within your Sims4 Mods folder.
- In case you don't, then anywhere within the Mods folder is fine, but best to keep them in a separate folder for better organization.
(Note: The default path for the Mods folder is "Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods")

The video package files are not standalone mods, they need the latest version of CinErotique TV or Wicked Whims to be installed to function!

Usage Terms:
- For personal use only.
- DO NOT re-distribute this mod or any parts of it on other 3rd party sites.
- DO NOT include this mod in bundles. Just link to this site please.
- DO NOT bundle, include or in any ways incorporate this mod's video files and/or ingame assets with other mods.

[ Check out my Patreon page for more cool Sims mods! ]


New to installing mods? Check out the Mods Installation guide.


I make LORE FRIENDLY sexy mods. (CinErotique TV & Sensual Studio)