Lupobianco Animations v2.4.8

Updated: 2024-12-05
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This pack contain more than 1000 animations that togheter form a set of series that progress from Stages to Stages

My animations cover all tastes 100% guaranteed ✅ Hetero, Gay, Solo, Orgy, Lesbian, Blowjob and more... You can find everything you need.

In case you want even more animations you can support my work on Patreon, I will never stop to thank you if you decide to support me. Thanks! I hope you will enjoy my animations.

Follow me and see my works on Twitter or Reddit ! Or  join as a FREE MEMBER on my Pateon's page ❤️

Thank you everyone!



The site is heavy and full of GIFs, so I don't recommend visiting it with a limited data connection.



  1.  Download WickedWhims.
  2.  Extract "WickedWhimsMod" folder inside “[DRIVE LETTER]:Users[USER NAME]DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods.” If the “Mods” folder doesn’t exist, just create it.
  3.  Download my pack.
    1. Lupobianco Animations v2.4.7a (mandatory)
    2. Lupobianco OLD Animations (Optional)
  4. Open it and extract file "WW_lupobianco_Animation" inside “[DRIVE LETTER]:Users[USER NAME]DocumentsElectronic ArtsThe Sims 4Mods.”
  5. Start The Sims 4.
  6. Go to settings, and then select the “game settings” tab and select “other” tab, and make sure “enable custom content and mods” is checked (restart of game is required).
  7. Relaunch The Sims 4



Some of my animations require certain Custom Content, without it you can't play ALL of my animations.



Latest Version 2.4.8

Included Inside the Archive.



I also want to thanks who make all this possible EA and Maxis for this beatiful Life Simulator.

  • TURBODRIVER For WickedWhims and for being a very good person.
  • Azmodan22 For his ability in make penis movable with bones.
  • Autobanned For his work on sim's tongue.
  • Khlas for his contribution to anus, vagina bones and his help in adjusting my RIG.
  • FlowerSimFactory For sharing his awesome fulloptional RIG.
  • Oraya & Simite for their awesome help. Wild_Guy & .Noir. & Hiroki For making sim's body better.
  • LoversLab's Community I would be nobody if it weren't for all of you
  • Patreon & Patrons for believe in my work with their awesome support. I won't be here no longer if it weren't for all of you.
New to installing mods? Check out the Mods Installation guide.
Download File 35.85 MB
Download File 103.71 MB


Animators, friendly and always available to help. 😊