Plumbob Duels! CCG mod v1.0

Updated: 2025-01-19

Plumbob Duels! is a mod focused around Card Collecting, and features Lore-Friendly Original Content.

Tested and working with TS4 game version 1.112.x
(Please note that this does not mean that this mod doesn't possibly work with game versions older than that - it most likely will - I just can not guarantee that it will work perfectly.)

2025-JAN-19: Initial release v1.0

Ever since I noticed how popular the collectible CineMinis figurines featured in my CinErotique mod have become, I’ve been thinking about expanding further into the collectible genre. However, it wasn’t really until the introduction of the Tarot cards in the Life & Death EP that I finally felt inspired to make it happen.

So without further ado, let me present you my brand new mod...

And to kick it off in style, the first card set for it is fittingly featuring...

The Stars of CinErotique

This new set features 350+ individual cards of your favourite CinErotique Stars in varying levels of spiciness (Basic, Lewd, Nude) - and rarity (Common, Special Edition and Full Holo) - so there's plenty to collect.

All cards featured in the public version have 512p textures (just for comparison, EA uses 128p textures - which is 1/16th the size - for similar objects), but if you feel like upgrading, I have a HD version of the card sets available on my Patreon, that features 1024p textures.

To start collecting, you'll need to open Booster packs.
Simply click on your sim, then select Plumbob Duels! > Buy Booster Packs. 

Each series (Basic, Lewd and Nude) has three different types of Booster packs available:
- Common Booster packs are cheap, but the chance to pull any rare cards from them are also low.
- Deluxe Booster packs are a bit more expensive, and are guaranteed to contain at least one card with a strength of 7 or higher.
- Mythic Booster packs are the most expensive ones, but they're also guaranteed to contain at least one special variant card (Special Edition or Full Holo)!

To help you proudly showcase your collection to your nerdy Sim friends - or to your customers if you'd like to run your own shop -, I’ve also created some special objects designed specifically to display your cards.

- Two wall mounted display cases, one with a glass cover and one without. - (2 colour swatches each) - (A)(D)
- A simple black card display stand. - (C)
- A small glass display case - to display those really valuable cards. :) - (4 swatches - featuring different grading scores) - (B)


Nothing. It is Base Game compatible.


Step 1: Download the mod framework zip file from below.
( ! )
Step 2: Unzip it and copy the Plumbob Duels folder - as is - into your Sims4 Mods folder.
(Default path for the Mods folder is: Documents/Electronic Arts/The Sims 4/Mods)
Step 3: Download card set(s) of your choice from the link below.
(Download at least one, otherwise the mod is useless)
Step 4: Copy the downloaded card set package files into the Plumbob Duels > CARD_SETS folder in your Sims4 Mods folder.


While the mod is a little bare-bones at the moment - to say the least - but I have some plans for the future...

Phase 1: I'll add some basic Quality-of-Life improvements, like the ability to open 10 packs at once, sell duplicate cards from the inventory, etc. (DONE - added in v1.0)
I'd also like to add a second set of cards (with a similar scope to the current one), featuring the iconic pre-made Sims from the game. I’ve already created a shortlist of about 50 classics simmies, including the Goths, Pancakes, Landgraabs, Vlad, and many more.

Future plans will depend on the mod’s reception. If it proves popular, I’d like to progress further into...
Phase 2: Introduce a Collection Manager and a Sim-to-Sim Card Trading system, similar to what’s available for the CinErotique CineMinis figurines.
Probably also add some sort of achievement system, and some unlockable rewards to go with it.

Phase 3: This phase would involve creating an actual in-game card game that Sims can play against each other. Don’t worry—it won’t be anything too complicated! I’m thinking a sort of mix between Uno and Top Trumps, with some light deck-building elements. However, this is something planned for much further down the line.


"Why is this a separate mod and is not just a new feature for the CinErotique framework?"
From the get go of coming up with the concept, I wanted to make a mod that has the potential to reach a wider possible audience; so by making it its own thing I can more easily strip out NSFW parts and make a more vanilla alternate version.

"What are those Icons/numbers on the cards?"
The 3 scores at the bottom of the cards represent 3 attributes of the sim - Charisma, Ambition and Style - , while the card strength score in the top right marks a sort of general strength the card represents based on the other 3 attribute scores.
They are purely artistic, and have no real function at the moment - apart from making the card look more like paying cards - but if we reach Phase 3, these scores could be the basis of a real card game I was talking about.

- For personal use only.
- DO NOT re-distribute this mod or any parts of it on other 3rd party sites.
- DO NOT include this mod in bundles. Just link to this site please.
- DO NOT bundle, include or in any ways incorporate this mod's custom ingame assets with other mod's.

Care to support the development? Check out my Patreon page.
New to installing mods? Check out the Mods Installation guide.
Download File 11.53 MB
Download File 10.53 MB
Download File 10.77 MB


I make LORE FRIENDLY sexy mods. (CinErotique TV & Sensual Studio)