Update – WickedWhims v182d

Supported game versions:
1.110.311 (November 7), 1.111.102 (December 3)


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1️⃣ First and foremost, WickedWhims is now fully functional but you still need all of the other mods you use to be updated for compatibility with the newest game patch or confirmed as compatible to be able to play.

2️⃣Due to the many changes in the game code, WickedWhims is now only compatible with the 1.110.265 (October 22) game patch. Stay on the previous WickedWhims release if you haven't updated the game.

3️⃣Mods that depend on WickedWhims need to be updated too, especially Nisa's Wicked Perversions, so don't assume these mods will work just because WickedWhims got updated. Sex animations don't require updates to continue working.



‼️ The 1.110.311 game patch (or newer) is required to play WickedWhims. ‼️


————— v182d [2024-11-18] —————

  • [v182d] Fixed Crystal Creations jewelry causing save errors with CC clothing
  • [v182d] Fixed Full Moon Revelry festival nudity not working
  • [v182d] Fixed 'Ask to Join in Bed' not working with Lovestruck expansion pack installed
  • [v182d] Fixed Shy Wicked Attribute still being able to kill through embarrassment
  • [v182d] Fixed Attractiveness icons not appearing on the romance pie menu
  • [v182d] Improved consistency of open relationship (polygamy) interactions
  • [v182d] Prevented peeping Sims from giving gifts on lots with the Scare Seeker lot trait
  • [v182d] Fixed renaming/adjusting roles of some sex animations not working
  • [v182d] Changed loading logic of sex animations overrides

Previously when loading sex animation overrides, any overrides with lower priority would be skipped to save time on loading something that's less important. This would cause issues when simple cosmetic adjustments were made, like renaming, which made lower priority adjustments, but still important adjustments, to be lost. Now all overrides are combined based on priority, which is unfortunately slightly slower to do but a lot more flexible.

  • [v182d] Deprecated disabled animations file format, favorite animations file format, and playlists file format will no longer be auto converted to the current file format
  • [v182d] Miscellaneous rare error fixes


————— v182c [2024-11-01] —————

  • [v182c] Compatibility with the Life & Death expansion pack
  • [v182c] Minor fixes and improvements


————— v182b [2024-10-25] —————

  • [v182b] Fixed a game bug that was causing errors to gender preference tests
  • [v182b] Added a temporary workaround for a game bug causing the Needs panel to not update visually


————— v182a [2024-10-23] —————


  • Compatibility with 1.110.265 (October 22) game patch

This game patch is quite big behind the scenes so inspecting all of the changes took me a while, and hopefully I didn't miss anything major. There are a few things I want to improve as we wait for the expansion pack to release but all the issues I could find should be fixed.

Known Bug - the Sexual Stamina meter doesn't properly appear/disappear without opening and closing the Needs panel. Figuring out how to fix this visual bug would waste too much of my time so I will be investigating that later.


  • Decreased influence of Lovestruck Attraction towards Attractiveness
  • Added "Attractiveness Lovestruck Influence Strength" Attractiveness setting

I felt that Lovestruck Attraction was too strong, making Attractiveness preferences less important in rating overall attraction. This change might affect how your Sims see others, but if you want to adjust things however you want then you can now use the "Attractiveness Lovestruck Influence Strength" setting for it. The previous influence of Lovestruck Attraction was 40% (0.40) and now it's 30% (0.30).


  • Made Polyamorous and Adulterer Sims ignore Lovestruck Broken Heart moodlets and death


  • Added "ww.modify_bathing_outfit" command to modify base game nude outfit
  • Added "ww.modify_career_outfit" command to modify career outfit

Recently I've been asked multiple times how to adjust the bathing outfit to correct inconsistencies with hair or other body details. I would normally recommend using MCCC for this, but if you were looking for a command to do it then there you have it. I threw in a command for adjusting the career outfit too because why not.


  • Specific Sex Animations Disabler now excludes animations that are already disabled through the Dynamic Animations Disabler
  • Modifying Animation Roles no longer restarts the animation if no changes were made
  • Fixed sex reactions constantly interrupting Sims during a Sex Event
  • Fixed Strip Club Quirks menu causing errors if a mod expanding them was uninstalled
  • Sims Protocols now display Sims that are nearby on top of the list when adding/removing Sims from protocols


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Common Issues

❗ Make sure to not save while on the Manage Worlds screen. Due to a game inconsistency, saving the game on the Manage Worlds screen creates faulty save slots that cannot be properly recognized by mods. No worries though, in case you do it, correcting it is very simple and explained with an in-game notification.



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